Page in WordPress

A page in WordPress is a page post type. They are pre-defined in WordPress.

For example, the home page, about us, contact us, privacy policy, etc.

Pages are introduced by WordPress in 2005 for writing a static content.

Pages can use different page templates, including template files, Template Tags and other PHP code.

wordpress pages

Difference between Page and Post

  1. Content-Type: Post has content that updates timely & sorted in chronological order from new one at the top to bottom and page have a static content document.
  2. Hierarchical: Pages have subpages that mean a hierarchical design. For example: In our website Tutorials are the main page that has WordPress tutorials and Arduino tutorials as subpages. On the other side, posts are not hierarchical types.
  3. Taxonomies: Post can be sorted into taxonomies as Categories and Tags. Pages do not have taxonomies.
  4. RSS Feed: Post are displayed in RSS Feed but pages are not displayed in RSS Feed.

We can able to create unlimited pages. It is possible to create a website without a post and only with pages. Pages have static content that can be updated if the user wants to update them.

Set a Static Home Page

As we know the first page of the website is called Home Page.

To choose your own static front Home page go to Settings > Readings > under Your homepage displays.

change home page in wordpress

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